Hello Deborah and Dennis,

...We finally got to buy the Mentor Series when ya all visited Ft. Worth and I must say it has met beyond my expectations. So easy to follow along and just plain enjoyable to watch, I have started the program on my 10yr old mare about 8 weeks ago. We have done some trail rides and I have had her for 6yrs, but never has our relationship been this trusting, I have for 5yrs watched Dennis on RFDTV and had always hoped to have that kind of a relationship with my horse, now that I have applied his training tips step by step we finally have this committed relationship and I have a willing partner in her. She wasn't hard to catch, but there where many days she didn't want to be and she was always so tense under saddle when we would go just a few feet away from the corral and I would always use a bit in her mouth for safety reasons in case she got really spooked or gave me one of her attitudes.

Now she comes to me stands there and waits for me to halter her up as if she is excited and can't wait to see what we are going to do, and I can ride her out in the fields with a rope halter for the first time and she goes along with her head down calmly, and we just started the Awareness course. So if she is doing all this already WOW! ...

One very happy horse woman,

- Trisha Crank

Deborah & Dennis,

I want to thank you for the information I am learning to help improve my communications with my horses & make our relationships better & smoother. I am very happy that as a club member I am free to enjoy the wednesday night sessions, there is always something to learn.

... I would tell anyone who can make it happen that every penny they spend for the program or clinic will be well worth it. They will get more than their money's worth.

... What I've been able to do so far is simply wonderful & inspiring.

Thank you to you both.

Niki Frisella (and John & Honey, and the rest of our horses who are getting trickle down benefits) Dear Dennis,

I hope you get to read this personally. I write this with a great deal of respect for your horsemanship and the useable expertise you bring to the average horse person, both of which stand out in the crowd. I have tracked your horsemanship through your stops in Wisconsin and on RFD TV for the last 6 years and they got my attention that your knowledge of horsemanship was not superficial, but not until I purchased your 4 courses did I understand and appreciate the depth of your knowledge...

With deep regard,

- Will Atkinson

Dear Dennis,

I purchased your Mentor series a little over a year ago and follow your RFD-TV shows weekly. The last series--first on helping "bomb-proof" your horse and especially the current one on flexion, collection, disengaging the hindquarters and coming the leg yield--are beyond superb. Thank you, thank you, thank you. They show your teaching at the finest...

But mostly to you and Debra, thank you for your great generosity. One need only follow you both for a short time to understand how hard you work, how much you give of yourselves. I am so full of gratitude. We thank you here. But just as importantly, our horses thank you. May all you give and do return to bless you both.

Again, so many thanks,

- Nan Pantle

Hello Deborah and Dennis,

I sent you an email about 2 or 3 weeks ago regarding Cory Bourque and how impressed I was with him and the Reis system.

After purchasing the mentor series and using some of the techniques, I had some questions and I emailed you again earlier this week.

Well, I got to say, I am impressed again.

This time, with Fran Hancock.

She contacted me regarding the questions I emailed you earlier this week, and immediately pinpointed what I am probably doing wrong with my horse.

She spend about 30 minutes on the phone with me, and clearly explained things so that I understand them.

Ill be trying her suggestions today and tomorrow, and I will give her some feedback on the progress.

Again, the personal touch I have received since trying your system has been refreshing, and very impressive.

Thanks again for responding to my questions.

- Clayt Hulin